CRM Software

Read this announcement

We thank you for taking the time to read this announcement as it is very important in regards to the free CRM software application built by us. We have been in contact with the hosting/server company for months trying to work out a solution. The product/package we initially paid for to set up a server/database/website for our business had changes as to what was offered within the package. The hosting/server company providing this product informed us that a feature was no longer offered due to concerns on their end. Unfortunately this feature was the control panel that had all our code, backups, the new version of the software we were working on, and the files to our company website. After weeks of attempting to get support, we could not get any help from the company providing us with their product, which we found very frustrating. On 3/09/2023, we made the final decision to discontinue our CRM software as we do not have a solution to transfer or restore the lost data and files. We'd like to point out that this issue is not interfering with our clients' websites in any way, shape, or form, as they are on much better servers provided by a different company. This was a separate issue that we had to deal with and make a final decision before a deadline. However, we do understand that individuals using our CRM software may have been reliant on that information. We strongly apologize if this has caused any sort of inconvenience for you. We also understand that many were looking forward to the 2nd version of the software. If you were someone who signed up and used our free CRM software, we'd like to offer you $100 off any custom website package that you choose. Use the code LOSTCRM when you submit a request for a website and we will take care of you.

Caliper Auto